Not much has happened in the last month. I work, I go to school, and I sleep. That pretty much sums up my life. This last week, I had spring break. It nice to sleep in a few days, but other than that, it was like any old week, I worked. I needed a break and since it was still my spring break, I headed off to St. George to relive the olden days of when I once lived there. It was a great weekend filled with fun and lots of eating and laughter with my thirty year old parents and their kids. I took lots of fun pictures of Chase at his first soccer game as well as the temple. I am getting better at taking pictures and am enjoying it so much!
I have come to the conclusion that I am going to continue working 33 hours a week

until the end of the summer, get as much dough as I can, and then move back to St George, a small town that holds all of my secrets and memories, that is holding them on a fishing line until I catch on and get my butt down there.
It may be spring, but it sure doesn't look like it when their is snow on the ground, another advantage of St. George, great weather!
I was very very disappointed that my family had put all of their handprints in the cement while I was at work, and unaware of their doings. Just one more thing to add to make me feel left out and unwanted. So like the spoiled girl that I am(not as bad as Katie) I had my own little spot, with my dog Mercedes, and we put our paw prints on the drive way. I feel a little more important now.